A Beginner’s Guide to Video Game Music

Chronicling an evolution, from primitive to a seminal artform.  — September 28, 2017  Video games and music complement each other harmoniously. Many people have specific memories associated with the music that plays during a particular video game level, especially if it was a more difficult one. With each new generation of video game systems, sound chips, sampling fidelity, and storage

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Video Games May Be a Part of the 2024 Olympics

Tony Estanguet, co-president of the Paris Olympic committee, says he plans to hold talks with eSports’ officials and the International Olympic Committee about adding competitive video games to the Games. — September 26, 2017  It’s not as unusual as it might sound. Esports are big money events (the ongoing International Dota 2 Championships have a prize pool of $24 million)

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Put Down the Controller: Five Novels About Video Games

The ways that books and video games can tell us stories aren’t as different as we used to think. Both require intense concentration and thoughtful interaction, albeit in a variety of ways. Both also insist upon our willingness to escape from the workaday world to step into one built word by word or bit by bit by somebody else. —

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A Quick Guide to Making Indie Game Trailers

Making a trailer may sound like a daunting task to the average indie, but it’s not that complicated to make a simple one, and it can be a worthwhile creative exercise in itself. Below you will find a guide to making indie game trailers as written by Ryan Sumo (the lead artist/CEO of Squeaky Wheel) — September 18, 2017  Conceptualization This part

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The Virtual Reality Game Gathering Data for Dementia Researchers

Navigating an ice-walled lake or scouring a swamp for a hidden monster may sound like a fun premise for a virtual-reality video game. But there’s a serious purpose behind the new game Sea Hero Quest VR:  helping neuroscientists design a new test for dementia. — September 7, 2017  London-based game design firm Glitchers worked with researchers from British and Swiss universities, as well as dementia and Alzheimer’s

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