Classic Video Game Themes Sound Even Better Played Backwards

Video games like Super Mario Bros. and Tetris included some of the most catchy background music ever put on a cartridge. But would you recognize those same classic video game themes played backward? — August 15, 2017 An artist created an album featuring four memorable game themes performed in reverse, and we can’t stop listening to them. “Sorb Oiram Repus,” Stemage’s backward

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Real-Life Video Game Bands Worth Listening

Some of the best games ever are so beloved partially due to their memorable soundtracks. From nerdcore parody rappers to legitimately excellent gaming rock acts, here’s a list of the real-life video game bands worth listening. — August 15, 2017 Metroid Metal Technically the band is Stemage, but my and I’m sure many other Nintendo fans’ introduction to the performer was

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Castlevania: The New Video Game Show on Netflix

The new Netflix show “Castlevania” is based on a video game and an unexpected hit. However, it only exists because of a chance encounter! — August 8, 2017 Castlevania is an animated show based on a video game franchise that was genuinely popular nearly 30 years ago. Moreover, it’s a show based on a video game — and history is

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Stressed Out? Science Says to Play a Video Game for 5 Minutes

It’s great when science gives credence to the things you already do. This time, researchers found that playing video games helps you relax. — August 3, 2017 Research led by Michael Rupp, a doctoral student in human factors and cognitive psychology at the University of Central Florida, and published in the journal Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, found that study

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August 2017 Video Game Releases: What To Watch

The slow months of summer are almost over in video game land. August brings a whole slew of new releases.We’ll take a look at the (mostly) complete list of game releases and then talk about the ones that are most exciting, most important, and most interesting. — August 2, 2017 Here’s the full list: The Long Dark (PS4, Xbox One,

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